“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates”. Deuteronomy 6:6-9

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The house is where a child is raised is the place they will have the most opportunities to hear the gospel from people who know them best. God wants you to be teaching your kids about Him every day, in every situation.

We want to support you on this lifelong journey! Here are some resources to help and encourage you along the way. You can find copies of these in the fellowship hall at our resource center.


Habits of the Household

From the author: “We become our habits. And our kids become us. This is why carefully choosing the habits of our household is one of the most significant things we can do for our children's spiritual formation.”

Why we chose this book: Justin Whitmel Early is a father of 4 sons who wrote this book in the thick of raising young children alongside his wife Lauren. He is vulnerable about the struggles he faces as a parent and at the same time speaks out about how he lays his parenting journey before our Heavenly Father providing helpful insight on how you can do this too. This book can be an encouragement to anyone, but especially with those who are trying to set routines in their household that will ultimately lead their children to Christ.


From the publisher: “In his revised and updated 25th anniversary edition of Age of Opportunity, Paul David Tripp reveals what Scripture has to say about parenting. Instead of trying to control behavior, God gives us the opportunity to expose our child's heart. You don't have to fear this stage of life. Age of Opportunity will give you biblical wisdom and goals for walking alongside your child”.

Why we chose this book: Age of Opportunity is a great read for anyone looking to invest in the life of a child, but especially for those who have kids entering or already in the teen years. Parenting a teen in our culture is viewed as something to be feared, but as Tripp points out, this view is not biblical. This book is an encouragement for everyone to see the powerful influence you can have in your kids lives and how to use illuminate the gospel in their lives.




From the publisher: “From the Old Testament through the New Testament, as the Story unfolds, children will clearly see that Jesus is at the center of God's great story of salvation—and at the center of their story too. Every story whispers His Name”.

Why we chose this Bible: As younger elementary age kids start to become familiar with the stories of the bible, the Jesus storybook bible is a wonderful resource that helps kids understand how every story in the bible points to our savior Jesus Christ.


From the publisher: “Everyone loves a good story especially children! But what we sometimes overlook is that the Bible is more than a collection of great stories. It is the real account of God's love for the world. The Big Picture Story Bible presents this remarkable true story. Simple words and striking illustrations unfold the story line of God's Word and His love for the world from Genesis to Revelation”.

Why we chose this Bible: This oversized bible has engaging illustrations that pull kids in to listen to the gospel in simple words. This is a great first bible for toddlers and preschoolers and will provide for them a foundation for learning biblical truths.


From the publisher: This NIV Bible for teens will help them discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and apply them to the issues they face every day…This study Bible will help them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them and they are never alone”.

Why we chose this Bible: As teens move to make their faith their own, reading the bible brings as many questions as answers. This bible is full of fun facts and insight in the margins about people and topics in the bible to help engage youth in the text.



From the publisher:The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross, takes children on a journey from the garden of Eden to God's prefect new creation. Through an engaging Bible overview, children will discover that 'because of our sin, we can't go in' but because of Jesus' victory on the cross, an even better garden awaits us”.

Why we chose this book: While many bibles are tricky for small hands to hold and tempting for a toddler to rip apart, this board book is a great introduction to babies and toddlers the story of what God has done for us and His perfect plans in 16 beautifully illustrated pages.


From the publisher: Jesus is the stuff best friends are made of—especially if you're a kid! He's always up for hearing how the day went, listening to worries, and laughing at silly jokes. And he wants to share about himself, too, as best friends do. Perfect for kids ages 6+ who are just starting a relationship with Jesus or for young families joining the church!

Why we chose this book: This book takes children through what Jesus wants them to know - Bible verses to hold in their heart, key Biblical truths, and answers to many questions we all have. We love that each note reminds kids that Jesus enjoys their company, and he wants a lifelong friendship that deepens with each new conversation.  

From the publisher: “Fifty-five years ago, Helen L. Taylor took John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and simplified the vocabulary and concepts for young readers while keeping the storyline intact… It's both a simple adventure story and a profound allegory of the Christian journey through life, a delightful read with a message kids ages 6 to 12 can understand and remember”.

Why we chose this book: Life on earth is one adventure, full of excitement, unknowns, surprise and choices leading us to see Jesus face to face. If we ask Jesus, he will walk with us every step of the way. This book is a powerful telling of what we may face in life. As little Christian and Christiana travel to the Celestial city, the situations they encounter are incredible opportunities to speak to your child how they may face similar situations and how God can help along the way.