Our TEAm

The Mission Church is led by a team of elders and staff that are passionate about pointing our people towards a gospel-centered life.



Zack Dunckley | Pastor

In 2011 by God’s grace, Pastor Zack and his family planted The Mission Church. Pastor Zack and his wife Melissa have five children and share a passion for foster care, adoption, and living on mission for Jesus. Through God’s leading, in 2022 The Mission Church merged with Foothills Baptist Church to become one church. Pastor Zack could not be more excited for how God might use our new church to reach and equip people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


John Bell | Pastor

Pastor John and his wife Cindy are blessed to have two sons. For almost 28 years, he was the pastor of Foothills Baptist Church in Issaquah. John continues to be passionate about teaching the truth from God’s Word in applicable ways and reaching others with the good news of Jesus through The Mission Church. Both John and Cindy love hiking and camping in God’s glorious creation. With an appreciation of continuing educational experiences, John has Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees.