Join us in-person

Sundays at 10:00 AM



No matter who you are, or what season of life you might be in, you are welcome at The Mission Church in beautiful Issaquah. Our goal is to have a service that is both engaging and encouraging. You can expect a message that is from the Bible and is relevant to what is happening in your life. Our worship team will play a few songs that focus and reflect on who God is. Please stick around after service to meet one of our pastors!


Our mission is to teach and show children God’s word, to help them to grow in their understanding of the gospel so they can become lifelong disciples of Jesus


Sundays | We offer classes for ages 1 year old to 5th Grade. On Sunday’s, you can find the Check-in Table right inside the lobby. A team member will be there to help get your children checked-in, answer any questions, and direct you to the right classrooms.

Mid-Month | We offer elementary aged girls and boys community groups once a month. Check out more information here.

First time attending?

Take a moment to fill out our Registration form below

YOUTH MINISTRY (6th-9th Grade)

Our mission is to give youth a space where they can explore and own their faith


Sundays | Youth 6th grade and older stay in service on Sundays.

Youth Group | Join us on Wednesdays, from 6:00pm-7:30pm, in the Fellowship Hall! Youth will play games, have a meal together, and end with devotional time. We encourage youth to invite their friends!

Events | Events will be listed below closer to the date! If your teen is planning on joining us for an event, please feel out the form below.

Youth Events

Paperwork is needed to attend youth events (not youth group, but specific events). If it's your first time joining us, the entire event form needs to be completed. If you've joined us before, scroll down to the 'Minor Participation Authorization and Consent to Emergency Medical Treatment Form,' and only complete that section.  


Serving in Children & Youth Ministries is a great opportunity to help shape the lives of the next generation by encouraging a relationship with Jesus! And, it’s just incredibly fun. If you are able to help serve, fill out an application. Questions? Contact Kristina Trench


Looking for resources for your family discipleship time?

Check them out below or visit our Resource Center in the fellowship hall on Sundays.